Fractional ownership of aircraft

Many people view owning a private plane as a way to achieve status, with convenience also important. Fractional ownership is popular because aircraft ownership can be a significant investment. Many people look before they leap. Here's how it works. fractional aircraft ownership allows you to purchase an "interest" or a portion of the aircraft. The aircraft is operated by an aviation company as part of its overall fleet. You can use the aircraft as a fractional owner. You can't fly it more than a million times per year. Your investment has a limit on how many hours you can fly. Fractional ownership is a good option if you only plan to fly 200 hours per year. You won't have any of the hassles that come with private aircraft ownership. The aircraft management company will take care of pilots, insurance, and maintenance for your plane. They might also offer catering or other amazing services. Private aircraft owners no longer need to schedul...