Avoid jams, bumps and blockages in your workplace car park
People who have used car parks at work or in shopping centres will be familiar with the potential dangers and stresses.
If your business is not in the center of the city, it is important to provide a safe place for employees' cars. You will need to maintain a car park, whether you are laying the foundations or creating a safe environment with security guards and barriers.
Clear marking is important for جک پارکینگ car parks. You will need to clearly mark each space so that cars can get in and out. Low spaces can make it tempting for drivers to park in places not designated. Safety signs should clearly be posted, with double yellow lines and the words "No Parking" painted on the surface.
Businesses may not be open 24/7 so you will need to put up barriers or blockades to ensure that no one illegally parks on your property. You can also use this to stop others from trespassing at night, which can pose a problem for businesses whose property is damaged or other criminal acts.
You can purchase many traffic management accessories for your workplace, such as high-security barriers that can be locked shut and speed humps that enforce speed limits on the site. Speed restriction signs may be required as many companies place speed limits of 15 mph or less on their sites to reduce accidents.
Some employers may discover that employees are not responding to the emails asking them to move their cars. In these cases, other parking enforcement measures like fines or clamping could be taken. Recent changes have been made to the clamping laws. Make sure to use them carefully and not as an opportunity to make quick money.
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